Taxes and Investment Income Infographic
It is important to consider taxes and investment income, as the type of income produced by the investments in your portfolio affects how much tax you pay on that income.
Generally, your investment will fall into the common categories of income, dividends, and capital gains. These income types are taxed differently by the Canada Revenue Agency.
Consider your after-tax returns
Income producing investments like T-Bills, GICs and bonds are taxed at a different rate than dividends. Capital gains are also taxed at a different rate.
This taxes and investment income infographic illustrates various investments that produce different types of income and the impact taxation (depending on your marginal rate) has on what you keep as an investor.
“How much investment income that you keep is important.”
Companion Calculator
Try the FreshPlan Taxes and Investment Income calculator to see how various types of investment income are taxed at different rates.
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