Tax Planning Calculators

Tax planning calculators help advisors to address efficient tax planning in relation to a holistic financial plan.

As CRA rules continue to change, tax planning can be complex and should be considered as part of your financial planning and wealth building strategy. 

In addition, FreshPlan Estate Planning tools can assist with other areas of tax efficient planning.

Tax Planning Calculators include:

  • Capital Gains Calculator
  • Income Tax Estimator
  • Taxes and Investment Income
  • RRSP Tax Savings
  • TFSA vs Taxable Income
  • Final Tax Bite
  • Charitable Donation
  • Donating Shares to a Charity
  • Donate Some Shares, Sell Some
  • Gifts in Kind, Shares & Other Capital Property


Create Templates
Creating Templates give you a quick-start of the calculators you use most in given situations to create financial reports.

Modular Financial Planning
Use only the calculations relevant to each clients’ situation. FreshPlan is powerful enough to complete a full financial plan in 30 minutes and flexible enough for single needs analysis when a full plan is not needed.

Client-Friendly Reporting
Integrate any number of calculators with financial infographics to create visual, personalized reports that client will understand. All reports are personalized with advisor name, logo and contact information.

Calculate. Educate. Plan.

Easily calculate, explain and reinforce complex financial concepts.
FreshPlan combines 75 calculators with a growing number of powerful financial infographics to provide advisors with a visual, easy-to-use, time saving planning and education tool. FreshPlan calculators are easy-to-use and fully responsive on any device – phone, tablet, laptop or desktop.